

Okay - many of my favorite blogs are being deleted
or seized by Blogger. As much as I like the ease of
Blogger as a host, I don't want to lose my hard
sweat earned work - you know it's hard to find
pics of big hot men.

So which free blog hosting site is safe?

Need your help


VegasLane said...

Thumblogger - it is hosted in the Netherlands, one of the global capitals of the porn world. Also, this is an adult host, you won't have any problems with them. They have a global traffic rating of 1,391 which is excellent!

iain said...

Yes, thumblogger has impressed me in the past... but what the hell is going on with Blogger, claiming 'terms of service violation' (altho' some sites are back up on Blogger with same content, different address, pretty quickly). Is it all sex sites or just gay ones? I haven't had a civil response (any response, actually) to my queries direct to Blogger.

Chet said...

It's both straight and gay bloggers being hit. Library Vixen was a very popular straight blog (also very gay friendly) that was shut down for no reason.

Unknown said...

You have one of the best blogs on the net. Thank you. Whatever happens with the hosting issues, is there a way to find out where you have moved?

Also, the only feedback to improve the site would be to somehow be able to enlarge the pics when clicked. There's one blog ( that has incorporated some program which enlarges pics when clicked.

Look forward to reading your blog for some time to cum.

Anonymous said...

Is Mythos Man gone?

Anonymous said...

How about publishing an e-mail address in case Brawny Stud is deleted? That way we can find you again.

swine said...

DailySlab is now gone too -- my 2nd fave -- after ur site of course. Anyone know where it went?

G said...

One of my favorite blogs is gone, "Famous like me", It wasn't very X-rated but its gone. If you move please let us know where.

JB said...

It´s true something is hapening

dusty59 said...

Glad you're being proactive, it's bad Google has decided to go on some kind of crusade.
I enjoy your site, thanks.

crumpet0552 said...

In response to Swine's question re The Slab, it's still on Blogger but has re-addressed itself to I get the feeling it's still sorting itself out, but at least it's alive!

Anonymous said...

I understand that SOME bloggers are moving over to NIBBLEBIT...
You may want to keep an eye on this blog as it has been keeping track of blog closings and relocations...

All the best...

Anonymous said...

you have the best blog about men. Keep it coming. i check out and enjoy your page every day. Please don't leave your fans manless.

Anonymous said...

How can we find you again if you are shut down?

CowboyDenver said...

A lot of guys have gone to

swine said...

Thanks so much to crumpet for the referral to DailySlab -- but we hopefully we won't lose contact w/Brawny Stud ever!

butch said...

nibblebit is where lots of us have gone. slab is at :
he's gone so far as to cut the dicks off his photos to abide by the TOS.

amateurs from everywhere didn't have any luck with sensualwriter. his fourth blog is at:

nibblebit will let you make the photos as large as you want.

i tried mysexyblog but gave up when i got no answer from their help desk.

please let us know where you are.
here's mine:

Anonymous said...

Wordpress is starting to close/lock blogs also; a couple I read from time to time have been locked. Must be a joint venture.

iain said...

Guys - thanks for the addresses and heads up, and the VERY interesting article about Google vs. China, which seems to be the root of this Adult Sex Site cull, on this informative site:

And Butch - no, Slab isn't cutting the dicks off. You just need to look carefully. Then click ;)

Leatherpigboy said...

i set up a back up blog on Nibblebit

Anonymous said...

I thought the fact there were a warning on front page was good enough. Your blog is great and I'm very sorry about the fact there's an idiotic crusade about shutting down blogs like yours. Remember to leave traces so we can track you back! Best of all...

Anonymous said...

this, roidsnrants, and mythosman are all great. There are a handful of others I glance at on occasion, but these are staples! ;)

Does anyone know if mythosman is being recreated or started anew somewhere?

Anonymous said...

So sorry I can't help you in suggesting a suitable blog for you!I ain't that internet savvy! BUT IF YOU'RE MOVING,DO LET US KNOW YOUR NEW 'ADDRESS'! BRAWNY STUD IS AN ADDICTION FOR ME! DON'T LET ME GO 'COLD TURKEY'!

Stephen said...

Its a bad thing. I tried thumblogger. It has a blogger import but it only works if you have a beta/new blog. I'm setting up on nibblebit. It seems closer to blogger as far as ease of use. And they do host adult sites.
Good luck.
Stephen from Gruffmens blog.

Anonymous said...

I continue with my blogger account, but have set up a backup one on nibblebit, just in case. However, I cant help but wonder if we are going about it all the wrong way. If ONLY blogger would respond, we could make a rational decision. Perhaps its not blogger, but an organized effort against gay and liberal blogs. Almost all blogs have the button to flag blogs. What if there was a group of conservatives hell bent on closing down these types of sites? All they have to do is repeatedly flag a blog, and then blogger will put it up for review. I wouldn't be surprised, if this was the case.

Anonymous said...

Slabber is a major jerkoff anyway.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Google has a problem with porn or adult nudity. It's clearly stated in the Terms of Service.

I think blogs are being shutdown because of copyright violations.

This is no guarantee, but you should probably remove the navbar on your blog. The "Flag Blog" button makes it too easy for people to report you. Instructions here..

Daemon said...

I don't have any info on safe hosts but do please let us know when you move so we can follow you.

Anonymous said...
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