
Don't Drop The Ball - Save Your Own Blog

Are you afraid that Blogger will
delete your blog? We all are-

In your settings section, there
is a "export your blog" button.
Click it and download your blog,
and do that on a regular basis.
You may not be able to reopen
your deleted blog under the
same name, but choose a
similar title and be found again.
There are so many gay blogs
that will be happy to republish
your new link.

Do it now-


Anonymous said...

I did it!

Thanks, I did not know about that button.

Anonymous said...

What happened to MC Jock? Why does Blogger drop a blog? Seems really random to me.

Anonymous said...

So shady of them! Thank you for mentioning that info!!!! I miss MC Jock sooooo badly already! damn that blog patrol!

Anonymous said...

Thanks...wish I knew this before I "cleaned up" the my blogs!

Stephen said...

All it takes for Blogger to remove your blog is a couple complaints from anyone who comes across it. It happened to a friend of mine. He had spent at least a year making a non-adult blog, someone complained, and it was gone. You usually get an auto-generated letter after the fact. They rarely even investigate.

Anonymous said...

So if it happens to Brawny Stud what will the new URL be?

Anonymous said...

Hey !
I am on MAC and I do not know how to do it ! Someone could tell me, please ?
Thanks !

butch said...

if you want to keep up with the blog closings, check out the following blog:
they have been at it since august (at least)